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5 tips for an innovation process that is fit for the future

Under the pretense of creativity, the innovation process within a company often runs chaotically and without coordination.
A professionally designed innovation process, however, is central to successful innovations.
We show you five factors for success that make your innovation process fit for the future.

Ideas mostly fail not because they are bad, but because they fall apart due to internal processes or even resistance. These barriers and resistance are often not obvious, because they stem from the culture.

Corporate culture includes the written and unwritten values, standards, and attitudes in an organization that influence the thoughts and actions of the employees. A culture of innovation forms part of the corporate culture and determines the extent to which innovation is encouraged and carried along by management and employees. It is therefore decisive for innovation productivity and innovation success.


In this innovation paper, we have compiled 10 tips for you for establishing a positive culture of innovation.

Paper Innovation process

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